Phyllis Stark's column this week at asks for your contributions to continue this list. It's very, very memory regenerating...
You’re the only person you know with an HD radio. —Buzz Jackson, PD KIIM Tucson, Ariz.
Your weekday/work wardrobe consists of t-shirts from your last five radio jobs. —Rowdy Yates, morning personality, KVOO Tulsa, Okla.
The word “remote” means something other than located far way or distant in manner. —Kevin Mason, VP, Intensity Media
You find hanging out a bar, without getting paid, a total waste of time. —radio veteran Scott Evans
You include “and I’m an alcoholic” after introducing yourself. —Gerry McCracken, Gerry McCracken Broadcast Consulting
You’ve stood in hundreds of new car dealership parking lots and yet you’ve never owned a new car. —Smokey Rivers, APD/middays, KPLX (The Wolf) Dallas
You remember what album covers looked like. —Tim Roberts, OM, WYCD Detroit
You can’t remember the last time you paid for concert tickets. —Joyce Rizer, executive producer, Sirius XM Radio
You have an FM tuner in every room of the house. —Kevin Callahan, PD, KSON San Diego
Your high school friends know you by a different name than everyone else. —Gerry McCracken
[You know] a puker is not a medical term. —radio veteran Danny Wright
You have that recurring dream—song ending, can’t get back to studio. —Charlie Dean, Mercury Records
You know the difference between “presents” and “welcomes” —Ken Tucker, managing editor, Country Weekly
You have a name like “Ken Tucker.” —Gerry McCracken
You fondly remember cue burn. —Mitch Mahan, PD, KFIN Jonesboro, Ark.
You have the Mayflower Van Lines toll free number memorized. —Gerry McCracken
You have a U-Haul truck in your driveway with personal license plates. —Cary Rolfe, EVP of programming and artist relations, The Country Network
You’re listening to the radio and you hear dead air you start saying to yourself “push the button!” —Melissa Frost, APD/MD, KRRV Alexandria, La.
You can limit your bathroom runs to two minutes. —Barbara Silber
Saying “nice cans” to a female co-worker is not considered harassment. Neither is requesting that she “keep it tight.” —Danny Wright
When driving, you talk up the intro to songs on the radio. —Smokey Rivers
You can splice tape. —Mitch Mahan
Over 80% of your wardrobe contains a station/client/ or event logo (and you are looking into commemorative quilts to preserve them). —Charlie Dean
You only wear shirts with record company/artist/radio station logos on them. —Clint Marsh, GM, WRSW, Willie 103.5 and ESPN 1480 Warsaw, Ind.
“Pot it up” is not a reference to drug use. —Danny Wright
You know the real reason we had instrumental hit songs was because so many of us had to time out to top-of-the-hour news broadcasts. —Mud Flap, PD/morning man, WEGX (Eagle 92.9) Florence, S.C.
You turn it down when the music is playing and you turn it up when the jock is talking. —Mary McKenna, former morning co-host, KFKF Kansas City
You turn it up when the music ends, to hear either the jock or the commercials —Chris Miller, owner, Chris Miller Digital
You can look around your house and point out everything you have that was the result of trade. —Danny Wright
The tires on your car are a trade-out the boss gave you instead of a raise. —Bill Miller
Only you know how great it sounds to “hit the post.” —Smokey Rivers
You know the difference between a shift and a show. —Danny Wright
You know the difference between a cart and an 8-track tape. —Mud Flap
All the vinyl and CDs in your music collection are marked “Promo Copy - Not For Sale.” —Bill Miller
You’ve had an expensive pair of headphones stolen. —radio veteran Darren Wilhite
You call them “spots” instead of “commercials” —Ken Churilla, editor, THIS Is Country magazine
When asked the time, you say “Coming up on 8:30” or “It’s 8:15, that’s 15 minutes after 8.” —Danny Wright