From TheDailyMail:
Internet will soon be top choice to get news in America as it overtakes newspapers for first time
The rapid growth of smartphones and electronic tablets is making the internet favourite for people seeking news, a report released today said.
News consumption online increased 17 per cent last year from the year before, the project said in its eighth annual State of the News Media survey.
Meanwhile, US local, network and cable television news, newspapers, radio and magazines all lost audience last year, according to the Project for Excellence in Journalism, a research organisation that evaluates and studies the performance of the press.
The percentage of people who say they get news online at least three times a week surpassed newspapers for the first time. It was second only to local TV news as the most popular news platform and seems poised to pass that medium, too, project director Tom Rosenstiel said.
Local TV news has been the most popular format since the 1960s, when its growth was largely responsible for the death of afternoon newspapers, he said.
'It was a milestone year,' he said.
Read it all here.