...address your calls to me at STLMEDIANET there. If we coordinate times, we can put together a pretty groovy multi-screen conference call, that can be saved as a YouTube video. It's at least worth a try. Let me know what you think ...
Tommy Austin is Chicago bound from Clear Channel and his position in STL has been ELIMINATED. STL is busted down to a "regional" cluster, and thus all programming decisions will be made by the RVPP and SRVPP. Expect deep cuts in staff soon and at least one full format change as well as more Premium Choice jocks. One live jock per station max. Possible regional GM too.
If your station or ad agency is looking for an additional commercial/promo voice (male, mature and practiced conversational delivery) please get in touch. Rates are reasonable (by-project payment by Western Union only, no retainer), a free 30" sample is offered on a one-time basis and turnaround is quick.
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@STLMedia stories are Twitter-fed so you can pick and choose what interests you as they appear online.
Whither the wireless?
Now that almost everyone has a wireless-compatible laptop, iWhatever or a SmartPhone, where can you freely log in, using someone else's bandwidth?
Let's start a list of wireless hot spots here. Update as you can.
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He's been a recording engineer and a production guy, a radio dj, a PD and station ops manager, a teacher of radio, news and drama, a still and video photographer, a voiceover talent and a radio and New Media consultant. Anderson founded STLMedia.net, this blog, and all of the several Message Boards tied into this site over the years. These days he listens and watches and, occasionally, he laughs. He'll do that here.
After an “honorable discharge” from a short career in St. Louis radio and television, Matt has been doing online stuff since 1999. When not providing Internet marketing services for local small businesses and managing over thirty websites, Matt writes here about the changing face of technology and how it affects both the media and consumers.
Joe Sonderman
Long-time STL radio personality and historian Joe Sonderman has granted STLMedia.net exclusive access to his carefully researched collection of the day-by-day history of the market. You're free to use it as you want as long as you credit Joe.
The Omega Studio Bundle includes the Omega 8x4x2 USB I/O mixer, Steinberg's Cubase LE audio and MIDI recording software, Lexicon's world-class Pantheon VST Reverb plug-in and phantom mic power. Click on links for more info.