Saturday, March 26, 2011

Couric out of CBS by June, Scott Pelley an anchor possibility ...

Word on the media ropes is that the perky Katie Couric will be "reassigned" to softer reporting work by June and replaced in the CBS anchor seat by veteran reporter Scott Pelley.

One strong contender if Couric vacates the anchor chair in early June, as now seems almost certain, is veteran newsman Scott Pelley. The 60 Minutes correspondent has long been a favorite of Fager, who doubles as the show’s executive producer. But with Fager taking a methodical approach to his first major decision, Pelley is not a lock. A few short weeks ago, the expectation in the Couric camp—after discussions with top CBS management—was that she would sign a new deal to stay in the anchor’s job through the 2012 elections as she figured out the next phase of her career. But the thinking on both sides has now changed as Couric has aggressively tested the waters—and found substantial interest in her services.

Read it all here.