Secret Squirrel sez:
Anna Wilhelm, wife of DC Chymes is awaiting trial on passing bad checks. A check of Missouri Case Net shows that "Christians" DC & Anna has stiffed multiple doctors, landlords, and other merchants for many years. Wilhelm is no stranger to brushes with the law - she was arrested in 2005 for fraudulently obtaining a prescription in Chesterfield, and just recently fullfilled probabion. DC and the Family is heard on Westplex suburban KFAV 99.9 in the afternoon. Mr. Shannon was wise to move back to Alabama!
Typos and spelling and grammatical errors and all, it looks like this is a fact, Jack. Might even be that Anna was the source of the flood of black letters against competing personalities from years ago, demanding boycotts because of alleged programming content.
What the hell is the matter with people like this?
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