Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Please, get it right ...

The last few days were called Memorial Day Weekend for a reason.  The weekend, and the government-declared holiday, were set as a rememberance of those who gave their lives in the defense of their country.

To say "Happy Memorial Day" to an American, especially an American who has lost someone in a war, is like saying to a Christian "Happy Good Friday" or to a Jew "Happy Yom Kippur."

Radio consultants who haven't figured all this out need to be questioned about their knowledge of the market, your market, they claim to understand.  It's embarassing that this guy, who claims the title of the originator of Classic Rock, hasn't got a clue on this issue.  But he does have his hands folded nicely.

Bet Fred Jacobs never served in the military.  Ask him, if it matters to you.  Pretty sure he didn't.  That's why he wishes us all a Happy Memorial Day. 

AddendumFred Jacobs writes -- I appreciate that, Mike. I assigned out the task of simply putting a "holding post" for the day and did not take into account the solemnity of the day. Apologies.

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