After the Nashville flooding, InfoRadio writer Sean Ross says “It’s time for each of the major groups to staff its own national weather center.”
Ross argues that not only should the big radio groups have their own national weather service – “Part of the job of these weather centers would be to flag local GMs and PDs when it’s time to disrupt regular programming.”
Sean Ross says “Ideally, every local manager should be completely plugged in to what’s happening on each of their six stations at all times and be ready to deploy a five-person local news staff.”
Well, that's just a pile of road apples.
Big radio group managers ought to be resting well and counting their money and letting their local management pay attention to the local market. Their local managers are just barely aware of what's going on in their markets, even when it comes to weather. They're just sitting at home trembling, hoping their jobs are safe.
It'd be a wonderful idea if there were live, local jocks and one Program Director per station who paid attention to the local market and who was allowed by corporate dictum to actually manage the talent.
Since most corporate stations use out-of-the-market DJ's, all prerecorded, how the hell would you expect them to get weather warnings into their chatter?
You think the monkeys that run around the Highlands at the CC stations care about STL weather?
NAH! They just care when they're getting their next banana and grabbing at eachother's asses and throwing poop at the windows facing Highway Forty. Look up sometimes as you pass by and see the splotches on the glass!