You know, with that coffee cup he had with all of his former air names scratched out? If you've been on the radio the chances are good that you've had to use a "station name" or that you used an air name that you thought was cool or someone you thought had a good idea cooked up for you.
Along the trail, I should mention that I've been the go-to guy to blame for some pretty interesting and unthoughtfully derived airnames, which will not be mentioned here, but which have done their bearers well during long and fruitful careers.
I started out using **GASP** my real name, Mike Anderson. At KTEM/Temple TX, it became "Old Weird Michael", in deference to Dallas' Mike Selden. See, I played album cuts ("the long version") and, well...
A little later, very briefly, at WIFI/Philadelphia, I became "Todd Montgomery", so dubbed by a consultant who was consumed with using local references in air names (Todd, for Todd Rundgren, from Philadelphia, and Montgomery, for the nearby PA county). In and out, and quickly, on that one.
Shortly thereafter I became "Yer Brother Michael" for no good reason except that it sounded friendly and that lasted for a few markets until (once again, by a consultant) I was dubbed "Captain Mike" at WRNL/Richmond VA. I still get the occasional email from Richmond listeners who remember that show and who have tracked me down on these here innertubes.
Then, in the mid-1980's I was dubbed Reverend Mike and that was the air name I rode off into the sunset with.
So how about you? What were the air names you used to transverse the troposphere?
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