Holy God. How bad can radio be? Now we know. But it's purchased airtime on a typical radio whore.
So very sad. How long until this crap replaces a weekday show? Is Jaco generating income? He'd better watch out.
Here's Dennis George's website.
The Squirrel listened, too, and, in his little squirrelly way, cringed mightily:
Money can buy air time. But just having the money isn't enough. From within:
"They are in way over their heads. Before the first word was spoken on Sunday they had already printed up shirts and stickers with slogans, bragging about something that hasn't even happened yet. And judging off of the May 2nd launch? It still hasn't happened. The show has been purchased and is set to go for an entire year. It is sad. Sad, that money can buy a show that, in any other situation, would be destroyed by a program director. Or never put on the air in the first place."