Now, it'd be one thing if Ms. Maples was 60-ish and was taking an early retirement. But Ms. Maples is a 1979 UM grad and has been with the paper for less than three years and that makes her an early 50-something. Way too young for early retirement.
She was also part of a team of reporters who won the Pulitzer Prize for International Reporting in 1994 for a series on violence against women.
C'mon, kids. Let's just admit that Maples was allowed to resign to spare her the ignominy of dismissal, regardless of the reason. Editor Arnie Robbins even admits that no one will be hired to replace her in her ME position.
The only reason someone with these professional creds would be tossed under the bus is that Lee Publishing, in their infinite wisdom, simply didn't want to bear the burden of her salary any longer.
The slow and painful paring back of professionals at the Post continues. Losing another editor is not what the paper needs.
I wish Ms. Maples well in her future endeavors.
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