Tuesday, May 3, 2011

By 9PM Sunday night I was exhausted ...

... so I went to bed.  Got up just before 5AM with Tasha licking my nose, letting me know that the time had come for her first Great Backyard Adventure of the day. Slipped into sneaks and my robe, got her out for important Red Heeler business, then back in to the upstairs laptop to take a look at what had happened overnight.

An email from a message board I frequent caught my eye-- "We got Bin Laden!" -- and I turned on the TV to discover what I had missed, completely, by just an hour, by hitting the sack early.  After that is was back and forth frantically from the laptop to the iPad to cable nets, trying to make some sense of all of what I read and heard.

Short timeouts here and there for microwaved leftover coffee and snacks and more doggie breaks and then back to multiple screens and resources. At about 4PM, I slipped out to a barbecue joint nearby because, if we'd killed the Magical Muzzie, I wanted to celebrate with a big pile of pork. Mmmm. Ribs and barbecued beans, good. Bin Laden, not so much.

And I was stuck in that mode until about 8PM Monday evening when the confusing facts began to coalesce.

I'm still not sure exactly what happened, except that evidently a JSOC team was tasked with dropping in on Mr. Bin Laden and ruining his evening. Which they seem to have done, with great grace, aplomb and serious violence. America...Hells Yeah! And at the end of it all, the lump of crap that used to be Bin Laden was wrapped in a sheet and sent to feed the fishes.

With any luck we'll get to see some of the video of the takedown, a photo or two of the corpse of the criminal (we've been exposed to John Dillinger's body and all the pain of 9/11, why not Osama's demise?) and the burial at sea.  Then maybe some of the DNA info can be shared.  Until then ...

I remain perplexed.  To say the least.

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