Thursday, April 8, 2010

Internet beats TV in Round 2 ...

Internet Surpasses TV as Most Essential Media: Infinite Dial

Read it all at MediaPlannerBuyer:

For the first time, the internet has surpassed TV as the “most essential” medium, according to the latest Infinite Dial study by Arbitron and Edison Research.

When asked which they choose if they must, never again watching television or never again accessing the internet, slightly more people chose TV as the medium they would eliminate, per the survey: 49% chose to eliminate TV, compared to just over 48% who said they would get rid of the internet.

When first asked the question in 2001, 72% said they would do without the internet, while just 26% said they would eliminate television. In the demo of persons under the age of 45, the gap between the two is more profound, with more people choosing to live without TV.