Thursday, October 13, 2011

First National Emergency Test since the 1950's ...

... is coming up on November 9th.  Tom Taylor has some info:

Here’s help planning for the first-ever National EAS test on November 9.

The NAB’s got help, including a checklist for member stations, and some sample PSAs to educate listeners about the unprecedented three-minute test. (The PSAs are here.) All radio and TV stations must participate in the 2pm Eastern time alert, though the NAB says it’s not a “pass-fail” test. The FCC’s own support site for the November 9 test is here. FEMA is also very much involved, and its website is here. Note that the FCC has pushed back the requirement to have CAP-compliant equipment in place until 2012, so this EAS test doesn’t involve the next-level Common Alerting Protocol.