... for our young friend who, with her two teenage children, was able to find a potential place to live after her dispossesion/foreclosure caused by her ex-husband's failure to pay the court-mandated mortgage. Much of her remaining gear, with the help of friends, went into secure storage and we managed to rescue her dog Willy literally hours before he was to be put down as an abandoned pet (their other dog, Buddy, died from natural causes while in the same kennel, from congestive heart failure). All is tentatively well, but...
She still needs a job. BA, JD from SLU, experience in management in several fields, works well with others, presents herself attractively and is eager to get back into the work force and off and away from assistance.
And at this point, any game will do. She and her kids need a full-time income to survive because her ex-husband has just walked away from any support of his children. Please, if your company has a position that you might think our friend might fit, or if you know of one, contact me. Or call me at 314-878-0673. I've heard from some folks but none have come through with anything, no one to contact, no names to which she might apply.
I know this is a bad time for everyone but I cannot believe that there is no place at work somewhere for a woman and Mother with her qualifications. Your help here would be a blessing/mitzvah.