Thursday, August 4, 2011

Jonnie's Custom Car/Radio Award ...

Thanks for your note & kind thoughts ! Salina, 2011 ? About 2,000 cars there this year...biggest year ever !

Got back late Sun. Nite...almost had a heat stroke in Salina Sun. Aft. but survived. Got to some air. cond. & liquids at the Service Station by the highway just before I left, and shortly before I was scheduled to turn blue.

Sat. Nite at the Awards Ceremonies/KKOA Bash I was shocked speechless. Since Rods & Customs and Rock & Roll always go hand-in-hand they created the "American Disc Jockey Award" and I was presented with the "America's Top DJ" Award. Talk about speechless ! Adding to the dynamics of the moment, it was presented to me by the Legendary Builder/Designer, Darryl Starbird, who as you know is also the owner/creator of the National Rod & Custom Hall Of Fame Museum.

One of the nicest compliments I got right after the Ceremonies was from George Barris "The King Of The Kustomizers" (The Batmobile; The Munsters Cars; The Beverly Hillbillies Truck, etc.). George spends every Sun. Morn. in Salina with me updating his almost 70 year career, and he said: "Congratulations on your fantastic Award Jonnie ! Now you're Officially one of us and in our Winner's Circle !"