... of working the sky- and ground-waves of 560kHz/WHBQ Memphis in the 1970's. By then, the station was owned and operated by RKO/General and was a part of the most influential broadcast chain in radio. Memphis was their tiniest market but we were valiant in our efforts to kick ass and take names.
When RKO took over WHBQ AM and TV (RKO sold the FM in 1972; it became KEZI, an easy listening station), they redecorated the building, painting a hallway-long mural in the station's entryway that represented the station's importance in the history of rock and roll. Part of the mural was a wall-sized painting of the DJ Dewey Phillips, who played the very first Elvis Presey record on the air. I walked down that hall every day I went in to do a show and patted Dewey on his nose each time I passed.
Here's the history.