Friday, February 4, 2011

Used to be, with a storm on the way ...

... enlightened station management would make prep for nearby chow and stay-over facilities for essential staff. Usually these involved trade deals, and if no trade (or cash) was available the staff would make do with lounge and lobby couches and whatever pillows and camping gear they managed to bring along from home. In crisis situations, I've worked it both ways.

And while our recent weather discomfort wasn't as critical as it was in other nearby markets, it's interesting to look at what plans were made. RadioInfo reports:

WIL St. Louis’ storm preparation involved a trip to the grocery store to buy enough food and drinks to last for several days, reports PD Greg Mozingo. With the offices closed for a time, they also booked hotel rooms near the station for staffers to use, and Mozingo says he had the traffic department generate logs in advance “so we’d not lose business, including endorsements. We also had engineering, IT, and Web in rooms so on-air and logistics remained functional … In today’s wireless age, coordinating and functioning in a crisis like this is much easier.”

How did your station handle it? Most of us presumed the forecast we got was fact, and that the STL region was in for a real whopper of a Winter storm.

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