Saturday, February 12, 2011

Local newspaper gossip columnist ...

... actually credits STLMedia as a story source but headline writer screws up possessive case of subject modifer:

KTRS's Tim Dorsey denies rumors that he's retiring or being forced out

RADIO RUMORS: Tim Dorsey, the president and general manager of KTRS (550 AM), is being forced for the second time in less than two years to answer rumors about whether he is retiring or being ousted from management at the station.
"The rumors of my retiring or being fired are grossly inaccurate," Dorsey said today in a telephone interview. "It's not on my radar screen."

Industry insiders insist that Dorsey and the station's investors are working out a compensation deal that will have Dorsey leaving by the end of the year. Dorsey created KTRS (formerly KSD) in 1996. "We will celebrate our 15th anniversary on April 15, and people didn't expect us to last 90 days," he said today.

Dorsey added that he will be 65 this year, and said that's an age when a lot of people think about retiring but that he is not planning on it.

In May 2009 Dorsey said he was not under pressure to resign, despite a report that some investors wanted him removed for what they considered mismanagement of the station.

That denial came after a media website,, published a memo that criticized Dorsey for a variety of things at the station, including selling half-ownership to the Cardinals for $2 million in 2005, hiring and firing on-air talent, and the so-called "lavish lifestyles" enjoyed by him and his brother and son, who are also employed by the station.

Station investors have included some prominent St. Louisans, among them broadcaster Dan Dierdorf, former beer distributor Jerry Clinton, lighting distributor Bill Frisella and several family members of Cardinals President Bill DeWitt.

This bad monkey and his nepotistically employed kin should have jumped on their Schwinns and pedaled their merry way on to their next adventure years ago.

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