Friday, January 28, 2011

Stupidest damned thing ...

From TomTaylor:

How do you fill a morning show opening? You hold a “casting call” and let listeners vote.

New York’s all-sports WFAN/660 ran a talent hunt last year, creating a reality-TV show-type competition and gaining publicity. Here’s how country KVET, Austin (98.1) is handling this one. Clear Channel recently re-assigned Bucky Godbolt to all-sports sister “1300 the Zone” KVET-AM, and to replace him, they’re holding an open “casting call.” Unlike WFAN, which sold the competition to a sponsor and had some tryouts at its locations as well at some malls, KVET is accepting applications via email. They want a 60-second mp3 demo and a 1,000 word essay. The applications all go online and listeners whittle the field down to the top 10. KVET picks its five favorites, and they’ll each get an audition with KVET-FM’s Bob Cole.

For a sidekick or stunt-boy, yeah, let the listeners decide.  Or at least let the listeners think they decided. But for an anchor?