Wednesday, January 5, 2011

It might not be a bad idea ...

... for restaurants to promote wireless access, if they provide it.  And if they don't, why not?  It ain't that expensive.  Bandwidth is cheap.

Me and Mrs. A, who just celebrated our 24th wedding anniversary, might like to go to dinner at (fill in the blanks) and, while we're enjoying the repast, might also enjoy watching some video on our iPad via NetFlix or Amazon rental.

I'm sure as heck not going to pay $10 a ticket to see a movie in a theater with an audience that talks back to the screen and then drop another twenty bucks into popcorn and soft drinks if I can enjoy the flick over a nice, quiet dinner for two and a creme brulee dessert, in comfortable seats, with accomodating lighting.  And booze on demand.

And if it takes two hours on the table, you can bet we'll leave a commensurate tip for taking up your space.  Maybe they can even add on a "corkage" fee for viewing personal movies...

Of course, it's likely someone will want to show a skin flick and gross out the rest of the diners.  Work this out amongst yourselves.  Maybe you can set up an area for movie viewing that is not visible from other client areas.  I dunno.  Maybe rate your restaurant R or something.

Radio stations might want to consider creating a campaign for restaurants who provide this kind of movie viewing capability.

Any recommendations for restaurants who currently offer wireless?

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