Sunday, October 10, 2010

Maher v. Loesch, next Friday ...

HBO's Bill Maher will host KFTK/STL's Dana Loesch next Friday.  Here are my recommendations for STL's conservative champion...

1.  Understand that Maher hates women.  Not just conservative women, Maher hates all women.  This is a guy who trolls the Playboy Mansion for whores, by Hefner's invitation, and has just one use for them.  Maher is a pig.  He's dismissive of most conservative ideas but especialy when expressed by a female.  And the more attractive they are, the more dismissive he is.

2.  It's a good thing that Dana has gotten rid of the curls and straightened her hair.  Shirley Temple danced down the steps in the 1930's with Bill Robinson when her hair was curly; when she served her nation at the UN, her hair was straight.  Straight hair is for business and for being presumed as serious.

3.  Dana must do the Hillary Thing, changing her trope from the "good old girl" to one of moderate sophistication.  No use of "y'all," at all.  The show will be presented before a live audience in Los Angeles and they will have their semi-intellectual claws out. Left coasties think Heartlanders are nothing but White trash non-thinkers.

4.  Dana will have to respond to direct questions using just a sort pause, indicating thoughtfulness, but will need to interject her thoughts in round-robin conversation almost instantly.  She should use her hands to express greater emotional impact.

Good luck, kiddo!

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