Tuesday, September 28, 2010

It was a weird weekend, e-mail wise ...

The Harvest Moon must have opened up some space-time continuum thingie in the hearts and minds of sixty-something 221st Signal Company vets: suddenly I was up to my neck in messages from officers at one of my former places of employment, the South East Asia Pictorial Company, HQ'd in a place called Long Binh along bustling Highway 1 in sunny South Vietnam.

Bob Swartz brought me up to date on the whereabouts of the legendary 221st runaway Alan Rockoff (portrayed in the movie The Killing Fields by John Malkovich), and Paul Berkowitz told me of a new website with photos of friends and photo team members that included the shot at left of a former CBS/STL Radio Manager, Bob Fulstone, back when OD was the color of the day.

There was a rock buried at the back entrance of the encampment's little clubhouse with the words of a George Jones song engraved thereon:  Together Again, it said, referring to the fact that the company had been in place in Korea and was now in RVN; looks like, all these years later, we still are.