We use our computers for almost every aspect of our lives; shouldn't they help smooth our passing as well?
Dead Man's Switch can protect or pass on your data and inform key persons of your untimely demise. You can set Dead Man's Switch to perform a number of tasks if you don't log on to your computer for a specified period of time. It can send out e-mail, encrypt or delete files, and post to web sites.
Remember to reset the time allowed on the switch before you leave on vacation. You don't want to scare anybody. The software is from 2004. Vacations were longer then...
Note: The shareware author no longer supports this program. I dunno if this will get by current anti-virus software.
Duration of ownership: 12 Months
Strengths: Excellent way to finalize your affairs.
Weaknesses: Make sure you're dead before you turn it loose.
Review: I've had this program for quite a while but never got around to setting it up -- and it's a good thing I didn't. I came in to work one morning and noticed that all of my subscription services had expired, which was strange because none of them were due for renewal. The reason was my computer's system clock. It had somehow set itself a year ahead, so all of my software thought it was 2008! It's never done that before nor has it since. Luckily I'd never set up Dead Man's Switch or lots of people would've gotten a bad surprise when they opened their email and lots of my files would be gone! Once again, procrastination saves the day. lol
Download it here.