Sunday, June 20, 2010

Ten Ways To Make Life on the Internet Better ...

1) Never, ever read anything that has a number in the headline
2) Do not waste time trying to find the photo that offended the celebrity: it is NEVER worth the effort and is part of a publicity ploy anyway
3) When someone sends you a link to a video, stop and consider the source. Nine times out of ten, it won't be worth watching anyway.
4) Do not Friend anyone -- Link In to them or otherwise try to establish a purely electronic relationship. If you don't talk to this person at least once a month on the phone (you can actually make a call on the mobile device where you text and get e mail, you just need to search for the right button) or have a beer with them, ignore them.
5) Never enter a chat room. Nothing good can come of it.
6) DO NOT send an email wishing your mother a happy birthday. Get off your ass and get a Hallmark.
7) Never forward an email to "all of your friends." Most of the time they don't care about the same causes you do and if it is a virus warning, it was declared a hoax three years ago when it first appeared.
8) Do not fight your battles in the anonymous comments sections that follow nearly every story. Especially don't disparage another commenter. It debases us all. Like your grammy used to say: "If you can't say something nice...."
9) Once you open Word, stay there until the doc is done. Do not keep checking e mail and the stock market. You will never finish and what you produce will be a jumbled mess.
10) Stay out of Facebook. Nothing good happens there. Except on your birthday.

From OnlineMediaDaily