Sunday, June 13, 2010

KTRS' Joe Hipperson's violent anti-Catholic screed ...

From Joe Hipperson's website:

Pope Benedict XVI begged forgiveness Friday from clerical abuse victims for the sins of priests and promised to “do everything possible” to ensure that prelates don’t rape or molest children ever again. Oh well THANK GOD! No, WAIT–DON’T THANK GOD. Apparently, GOD has been talking to these sin-bags on a 2-way radio for centuries. I say we THANK THE KIDS FOR HAVING THE BALLS TO SPEAK UP! I say, if you are guilty of molesting a kid you should only have one fate and one judgment served up by me, Father Joe Hipperson. We take you by your fat, white, holier than thou ass and we surround you by all the starving children around the world. All the homeless kids who just needed a parental figure to look up to…and they chose you. They chose a man of God. And what did you do? What did you do? You committed one of the biggest and most disgraceful acts a man can do–you took advantage of a child’s trust. We put you on display in front of these children. This is, of course, after we all play Roman solider and beat the holy living shit out of you until you truly feel more “Christ-like.” Then, you stand there…bloodied and bruised. Crying and begging. Naked. Holding a sign and a torch. The sign says: “I carry a torch for kids who carry candles.” Then the kids shoot you with water guns full of holy water and gasoline. Guess what comes next you f++++ing a+++oles.

Why is this guy still on the radio?  Why is he anywhere?  Does KTRS' Tim Dorsey approve his language? I know that Frank O. Pinion can't possibly accept Hipperson's language or intent as part of his show.

Dorsey and FOP need to dump this putz right flipping now.  Hipperson needs to go away and as far away as possible from radio and tv as anyone can get him.