Saturday, August 15, 2009

If you're gonna slam me ...

... at least have the cajones to use your name. Hate me? Okay, that's fine, join the club and get in line. But have the stones to pay the dues.

I gotta laugh when I get a message thru Secret Squirrel, set up to send anonymous rumors and news, that reads like this:
Mike, I have to say this format change is for the worse. The old layout was much more readable and skimmable.
What, you can't just scroll down? What, exactly is the difference between the old HTML and the new blog?

The forum has become a ghost town, too, and I don't believe that's a coincidence.
Umm, the numbers seem to belay your opinion.

Not to be rude, but your blogs aren't very interesting. How about more news items and less lengthy ramblings of your own personal likes and dislikes?
OOh! Personal attack!

I know you have an ego you feel the need to puff up, but let's be honest: most people know you were a low-level player in the "biz" and spouting your credentials won't really change that.
Never said I was more than a "low-level player" at any time in my experience. Had a few successes here and a few failures there.

But at least I sign my name to my work here and apparently I'm deeply inside your head. You might have the same courtesy to at least sign your name.

Asshat. See the image.